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A decentralized cross-chain swap and lend/borrow platform

Core Concept of OmniBTC

OmniBTC is an omnichain financial system aiming to connect and unify all the on-chain liquidity. The hub of the system is DOLA Protocol, a Decentralized Omnichain Liquidity Aggregation Protocol, which enables users & dapps to realize fully composable cross-chain DeFi Transactions.
By using DOLA Protocol and connecting with other DEXs and Bridges, there are some user-friendly omnichain financial applications in OmniBTC, such as OmniSwap/OmniLending/PSC. The mission of OmniBTC is to connect and unify all the on-chain liquidity and provide users with the best cross-chain experience. Now, OmniBTC has integrated with many excellent DEXs and omnichain interoperability protocols(e.g., Wormhole, LayerZero), now focusing on Sui & Aptos.

Key features

  • DOLA Protocol. DOLA Protocol is a Decentralized Omnichain Liquidity Aggregation Protocol with the single coin pool of each public chain as the core, Wormhole, Layerzero and other cross-chain messaging protocols as the bridge, and Sui public chain as the settlement center.
  • OmniSwap. Based on LayerZero, an omnichain interoperability protocol, users can swap any token between any chain with one click.
  • OmniLending. Enable users to deposit/borrow assets on chainA/B/C and withdraw/repay assets on chainB/C/D without bridge.
  • PSC. PSC is the abbreviation of Polkadot Smart Chain, we are thrilled to announce that OmniBTC has won the 34th slot of Polkadot, which provides a possibility for us to connect Polkadot with EVM ecosystem and MoveVM ecosystem.

What problem will be solved?

Currently, 55% of the liquidity is concentrated in Ethereum, while the rest is scattered in the rest of the public chains. The fragmented liquidity makes it difficult for users of different public chains to access new public chains. Users are required to find DEXs for tokens of the new public chain and use token bridges to swap across chains. In order to solve the above problems, they propose DOLA Protocol, where users with different public chain assets can provide liquidity to the protocol and easily earn higher excess returns. The emergence of new public chains, the easy scalability of DOLA Protocol, provides time guarantee for the first access. Consistent user portal for better operational experience.

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