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An infrastructure company specializing in providing high-quality processing and content delivery

Core Concept of Ceden

The CEDEN Network is a future-ready content delivery network (CDN) of efficiently interconnected peer-to-peer non-fungible token (NFT) nodes.

CEDEN is a complete toolkit for any developer working on digital worlds, VR, AR, multiplayer online gaming, powerful AI tools or other metaverse applications.

This pioneering network merges traditional CDN solutions with machine learning, artificial intelligence (AI) controlled edge of network node points of presence, and a modern game engine called EDEN.


EDEN - open source and cloud-native game development engine, completes the end-to-end toolkit.

The EDEN Engine is built from the ground up to maximize future-friendly technological innovation. The graphics pipelines are built on Vulkan¹, and all modules are built on target-agnostic libraries that work on all major operating systems.

Open source principles guide the EDEN growth model, allowing CEDEN to scale into the future in partnership with an engaged and incentivized development and creator community.

By supporting ONFT(Omnichain Non-Fungible Token) implementations built with the LayerZero protocol, CEDEN Mint Pass NFTs as well as the Keystone NFT Nodes planned for launch in Q3, 2023, can be transferred swiftly across multiple chains and allows for expansion into layer 2, layer 3 and zkEVM solutions not yet live.

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